Mozilla bought the excellent Android email app K-9 (which didn’t include any trackers) and integrated trackers as part of #Mozilla‘s rebranding under the #Thunderbird name.
They even made it opt-out instead of opt-in. Their defense for breaking the law: ”we wouldn’t have enough data if we obeyed the law.“
It doesn’t matter whether you ”anonymized“ the data or not: If you want to extract data from someone’s device to yours, you may do so only if they knowingly consented.
Just published a deep dive on how we have made it possible to debug the kernel with drgn, without installing any debuginfo packages, on Oracle Linux.
This is a really cool feature that we're in the middle of upstreaming, so it's not quite present in drgn's main branch. However the article has links to all the relevant code, PRs, and issues, so you can see the process in real time, and learn how to get it working on other kernels/distros.
#Hacking is not just #OldSchool tooling and techniques. Modern #MobileApps are a fun target for #ReverseEngineers and #Pentesters alike. A fundamental tool to properly hack mobile apps is @fridadotre by @oleavr.
We continue our tour of my @github projects with my humble contributions to this field:
For a well-maintained project that includes some of my #Frida scripts, check out #Brida by @apps3c and Piergiovanni Cipolloni:
And even after many years, if you search for well-crafted Frida scripts to bypass certificate pinning or root detection, there’s a very good chance that you’ll stumble upon the work of some of my colleagues… Very proud of my team at @hnsec! Finally have my public post up on the bug I found in dav1d last year.
"Best email money can buy" product Zimbra has an embarrassingly bad vulnerability: CVE-2024-45519
The vulnerable code appends the attacker-provided email address to a command line and then runs it with popen() (which uses a shell). Guess what happens when the email address has a backticks, a semicolon, $(), etc?
What year is this?
Luckily the attack vector to get there (postjournal) isn't enabled by default, as there are exploitation attempts occurring in the wild:
As I am seeing some Medium links in my timeline today, and Medium is pretty annoying (pop-overs and all). So reminder that you can just replace:
In any Medium link and get a wonderful simple unobtrusive reading experience instead.
The Cryptodifference Engine: An in-depth look at differential fuzzing for harvesting crypto bugs, by Célian Glénaz
To get rich in a gold rush, sell shovels.