We are looking for an Android security expert to join our team and work on securing Chrome on Andoird. Job posting is available at https://google.com/about/careers/applications/jobs/results/104891950447895238, but also feel free to reach out to me directly.
My team in Chrome Platform Security is hiring for a senior Android security expert - if you're into syscalls, binder, processes and other low level stuff you'd be perfect - I do this but for Windows and didn't know Chrome or much C++ when I started.
The ad is generic but feel free to ask questions - https://www.google.com/about/careers/applications/jobs/results/104891950447895238 - you'll be a part of a wider security team that works on lots of cool stuff and protects billions of people - https://www.chromium.org/Home/chromium-security/quarterly-updates/
Following our #38c3 talk about exploiting security software for privilege escalation, we're excited to kick off a new blog series! 🎊
Check out our first blog post on our journey to 💥 exploit five reputable security products to gain privileges via COM hijacking: https://neodyme.io/blog/com_hijacking_1/
Project: golang/go https://github.com/golang/go
File: src/cmd/compile/internal/walk/assign.go:281 https://github.com/golang/go/blob/refs/tags/go1.23.4/src/cmd/compile/internal/walk/assign.go#L281
func ascompatee(op ir.Op, nl, nr []ir.Node) []ir.Node
dark https://tmr232.github.io/function-graph-overview/render/?github=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fgolang%2Fgo%2Fblob%2Frefs%2Ftags%2Fgo1.23.4%2Fsrc%2Fcmd%2Fcompile%2Finternal%2Fwalk%2Fassign.go%23L281&colors=dark
light https://tmr232.github.io/function-graph-overview/render/?github=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fgolang%2Fgo%2Fblob%2Frefs%2Ftags%2Fgo1.23.4%2Fsrc%2Fcmd%2Fcompile%2Finternal%2Fwalk%2Fassign.go%23L281&colors=light
Results of the RP2350 Hacking Challenge are now public - I'm happy that my entry qualified as one of the winning breaks!
Also huge shout out to the other winners: @aedancullen, Kévin Courdesses, @ioactive & @hextreeio - awesome work!
Thanks for the challenge @raspberry_pi!
Harnessing Libraries for Effective Fuzzing by @2ourc3
Too Subtle to Notice: Investigating Executable Stack Issues in Linux Systems
I feel like gargron in 2022, so many new users with an underfunded budget 😅
I'm in talks with a few people who can help with our growth, but we could really use some more donations to help lessen the burden on my out of pocket expenses.
(It costs about 15k a year to manage pixelfed, and we're going on 7 years)
From arbitrary pointer dereference to arbitrary read/write in latest Windows 11 https://security.humanativaspa.it/from-arbitrary-pointer-dereference-to-arbitrary-read-write-in-latest-windows-11/
Anyway, here we go. Latest version of the 2025 (in)security appliance bingo adds CVE-2024-55591 / FG-IR-24-535 to the list. Thanks to watchTowr for reporting it, and thanks to @wiert @nadaka and @cisacyber for alerting me to it. https://cku.gt/appbingo25
Forensic question as a windows-noob. I am trying to look into an OLE2 "Compound File Binary Format" file. It seems to contain multiple streams that I can enumerate with e.g., https://github.com/microsoft/compoundfilereader but the actual data are so-called "steams" containing raw hex bytes. What exactly is a *stream*? Doesn't look like a file? Are there deeper decodings I should pursue? Is there a list of known serializations for e.g., arrays? I think the database contains sensor data.