Now this is interesting, Windows 11 24H2 allows you to connect to an SMB server with an arbitrary TCP port. Could come in handy ;-)
This was a fun podcast with @aionescu discussing all things kernel:
I love this part also. The #CSAM regulation proposal is full of how it is all great for privacy, and then it hits you with this. Apparently this is scanning of all OUR photos, not of theirs:
The second article in our new series on #Windows #kernel #driver #vulnerability research and #exploitation is out!
Exploiting #AMD atdcm64a.sys arbitrary pointer dereference - Part 2:
This time, @ale98 covers how to craft PoCs for the arbitrary MSR read and arbitrary pointer dereference vulnerabilities described in his previous article, with step-by-step advice for debugging with #IDAPro.
Enjoy... and stay tuned for the third and last article next week.
My TamaGo talk at the recent @osfc_io is now online, if you are interested check it out!
I'll end this on a more positive note by saying that at least enables the same workflow for IDA 9.0 as the one we use for Binary Ninja and Ghidra (export first, then invoke #BinDiff manually). 6/N
If you're using @zimbra, mass-exploitation of CVE-2024-45519 has begun. Patch yesterday.
Malicious emails are coming from 79.124.49[.]86 and attempting to curl a file from that IP.
A friend of mine (@GabrielGonzalez) has written a book about "Attacking and Securing U-Boot".