@buherator seemed like hype machine food or like the author of the original blog was maybe unfamiliar with the responsible disclosure process; the latter *could be* the case but I’ve been following that blog since I was in college, so it seems surprising to me its author would have no idea how to report a vuln and get it properly addressed before disclosure
@buherator *thinking about all the collective time spent today to patch this bug because dependency scanner are surfing on the FUD*
@buherator i see your point, and i agree. but from a different perspective i also see that this project got a lot of scrutiny that it wouldn't have gotten otherwise, some skeletons were falling out of the closet, and that is good. maybe this is not the right way (quite possibly) but i think it is good if we all focus our attention from time to time on a project that is otherwise mature and forgotten because it just works.
@buherator great analysis, can't nod more violently ;) but my generic point that drawing hype(r)-focused attention from time to time to forgotten but widely used mature tools would be beneficial. the scheduling algorithm does not very much schedule them ever. but yeah, better target selection (at least running suid, or remote input) would improve the cost/benefit analysis.