@buherator Waiting for results once this happens... https://github.com/joxeankoret/diaphora/issues/159
But it might be a while, as 11.3 isn't out yet.
Nothing popped out as "wrong" to me, except - can you have multiple functions with the same name?
That said, having `matcher`, `matched` and `matches` in the same piece of code is really confusing 🙃
@buherator @tmr232 I guess it will be released by February, hopefullu. And then I will move everything to Ghidra, not only Diaphora, but also "Magic Strings", Pigaios and other stuff.
My concern is that since you key the dict using (name, param-count), duplicates will be dropped/overwritten
Hey! Just posted an update on the pull request. https://github.com/clearbluejar/ghidriff/pull/107