Nothing to make you marvel at the wonders of technology like a massive cookie consent dialog ON THE TELLY 🤡💩
A reminder that obnoxious, blocking cookie consent banners are not required by law but are there because tech companies had a massive tantrum at being prevented from tracking the bejesus out of you by default.. They don't need to be annoying or intrusive, companies can absolutely choose not to track, to track less, or make the consent experience easier, they choose not to 💩💩💩
@sue I note cookie banners from US sites that are now accept invasion or leave the site.
Not sure how this fits into a GDPR framework
@sue And unfortunately the EU has not revisited the law to go "NO, 'legitimate interest' does NOT mean what you're claiming, and a one-click 'Reject all but absolutely necessary cookies' button is now mandatory!"
@sue So, if you are technical, get used to browsing the webcontent as a JSON document, and for-go JS execution and like "webpage"-ness.
@sue agree. A small bar that says
[x] No [ ] Essential [ ] Marketing
with No by default would work. Yet clicking for details, making a selection and then [accepting] is unnecessary friction.
@sue Walking the lonely roads, with NoScript and uBlock..
Firefox/ublock still works on windows for now, but seeing most malware is written for windows, I eventually stopped.
IOS is my kryptonite, as 'privacy centered' they want to play, well browser addons are kinda important these days, still training myself off of it..
On my little Linux desktop, Firefox in strict mode, Ublock has most of it's filters.
I know I'm still not safe - how fun is that?
@sue @BlurryBitsPhoto AdGuard is available for iOS and supports uBlock-style third party rule files. It’s commercial, however.
@BlurryBitsPhoto @sue @eff s Privacy Badger is pretty smart with cookies I find. I use NoScript too, but it breaks some sites. Particularly awkward if you're filling in a form, and have to refill it. But it filters out a _lot_ of rubbish.
@sue I chuckle at the "our 1368 partners" bit, as I deny all.
@sue Always depends on the website. For news sites and blogs such banners should not be required at all except they want to track users.
For things like wikis or forum threads... well, as soon as you deal with accounts, you need at least one cookie.
@thejackimonster @sue First party cookies for required functionality don't need consent forms.
@thejackimonster @sue which is essential and doesn’t require consent.
Why are news sites and blogs expected to track users? WTF?
Especially like this: Precise location data stored for 10+ years
@thejackimonster @sue Login/session cookies aren’t even covered by the consent requirement, unless they use them for purposes not explicitly requested by the user. No one understands the law and everyone ruins their site by over-complying.
No, the banner isn't required for cookies required for the functioning of your website. You can have a separate section detailing your use of cookies.
8 years of GDPR and you still haven't bothered to learn a single thing about it
@Beldarak @channelOwen @sue Nope, and the deny option must be next to accept option with the same style (no dark patterns allowed).
My first thought on this was that many sites have banners where all you can do is accept ALL of the cookies or you're not going any further.
At least they weeded themselves out as the toxic places they are with that, and yes I just leave.
@MyWoolyMastadon @channelOwen @sue I also just leave, but I'm not sure they actually delay loading the cookies until they get your accept 😕
@MyWoolyMastadon @channelOwen @sue it's their website, if you don't like the way they do business then take your dollars elsewhere
Your money or that sweet sweet cookie data. They've made it clear what they'd rather have