Broadcom no longer license vmware workstation, it has become free.
However, to download it you need to register an account that is impossible.
Their website security is questionable.... so here is a download link *lol*
@kaaswe was wondering when other people were gonna blow this up, hope they dont 86 it now
that's of course a risk, but on the other hand Broadcom announced its free. Future will tell.
@kaaswe @0x00string @buherator
On Windows:winget install -e --id VMware.WorkstationPro --source winget
@kaaswe And when you get it down, the installer requires a license key :P
@edbro today I don’t know … but when I wrote that post I had just downloaded and installed it.
@kaaswe Was a while since I tried as well, so might be fixed since then.