We (the NGO I work for) put a survey on FB about adults who read folktales / fairy tales.
It's getting a bunch of trolls.
How is THIS a post getting the trolls?!
"Adults should read literature, not infantile gibberish."
"Tales for adults are called fantasy fiction. Or the news."
"Doesn't this organization do anything else but stories?"
What. The. Hell.
@TarkabarkaHolgy Angry, Cynical, and Ignorant; sounds like three of the Seven Trolls to me.
@TarkabarkaHolgy what's up with that?
I know even usually thoughtful people are weird about how books and reading signal status or in-group out-group stuff.
Or they come out weirdly puritan. ( Books are supposed to be good for you in "eat your veggies" kind way. Pleasure and joy are self indulgent. )
But this reaction seems even more tone deaf than usual.
@Zumbador The interesting part is, adult folktale collections are actually pretty common in Hungary. And yet.
@buherator @TarkabarkaHolgy I read these in the past 6 months (in this order)
@TarkabarkaHolgy @buherator Pár javaslatot én is elfogadnék. O:)
@buherator Of my own books, Varjúherceg or Széltestvér és Napkelte are good for the 8+ age. My first adult (mythology) collection is coming out in November. Boldizsár Ildikó and Csóka Judit have a bunch of adult folktale collections, but I have some hesitations about those.
@algernon @TarkabarkaHolgy @buherator Egy nagyon felnőtteknek szóló amit egy garázsvásárban vettem tavaly de eddig csak beleolvastam: A Legkisebb Királykisasszony Kívánsága.
@csepp @algernon @buherator ooh, right. There are a bunch of bawdy folktale collections too, but I kinda hate those... that's not what I generally mean by "adult" 😄