Has anyone successfully mirrored Wikipedia?
Feels like a good time to.
@SecurityWriter I downloaded the whole thing and running it via KIWIX offline
@SecurityWriter plus 1 for Kiwix. Probably worth archiving the current archive somewhere safe too
@queserasera what sort of size are we looking at?
@SecurityWriter If you dont want the media images, it's not that big. https://library.kiwix.org/#lang=eng&q=&category=other
@SecurityWriter https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Database_download
In addition grab the offline-renderer for formating
@SecurityWriter This is a great idea. It could be fun little weekend project w/ my kids, who aren't used to the internet being down or content potentially being unavailable.
@onelin That’s a great idea. Someone introduced me to Kiwix yesterday, so it might be of use to you.
Or you could try to do it manually of course.
@queserasera @SecurityWriter the only wrinkle with kiwix i've run into is they've been boosting stallman
@mensrea @queserasera why is everycunt so baaaaad?
@queserasera @SecurityWriter exactly the same I did on Sunday evening.
@SecurityWriter Thanks for the info and links! I also checked the replies to your post last night and kicked off a Kiwix download, which finished. It's not 100% clear what the best option is yet if you want to have some images, but I think experimentation will be part of the fun.