I’ve been thinking about what it would look like if Oracle bought TikTok, but I am not sure if they will go with a per device or per core licensing model
@jerry Oracle quarterly Critical Patch Updates now have to be dance-announced by their PSIRT. So… it’s probably a wash tbh
@jerry (per core) * device
plus surcharge per device back-payable after compliance audit, plus audit costs
@jerry we will look back and think flash in a pan - likely we will see lots of disruption
@jerry whatever makes One Rich Asshole Called Larry Ellison more money, I guess.
@jerry they’re gonna ban the hashtag #reverseengineering (does TikTok have hashtags?)
@jerry Per core plus a device sharing charge per additional user.
@jerry Knowing Oracle... they'd probably do per user/device/core/hour-per-day
@jerry I'm sorry, you only licensed the use on your cell phone from 2200-0600
@lerg you keep that up and Larry is going to make you chief revenue officer
@danielcornell I think that just triggered some long forgotten PTSD
@jerry Yeah for me as well. Sorry, but you kinda started it 😀
@danielcornell @jerry This is the opportunity for dragonball like power levels we all have been waiting for!!!
@jerry trick question, they would change the app so that all interactions would happen through sending PDFs that were filled out from a master template with very awkward options and a UI so ugly that it makes your eyes bleed, but in order to "go with the times", they will somehow string blockchain into it, and you simply pay more the sooner you'd like to have your PDF added to the chain.
Application licensing will be per core, but with different pricing for performance and efficiency cores. Obviously you’ll need to license every core in your phone, because you can’t know which core will be in use at any moment.
Skipping videos will be charged per skip. You can commit to a number of skips per month to get a lower price per skip.